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General Information Cox is the Cable TV provider for LSU's On-Campus Cable Needs. The following article includes more information on the services that Cox provides to LSU Faculty, Staff & Students: Cox Cable, Internet &...
Article Id: 17582
Category: ITS Notifications & Upgrades

General Information It has been officially announced that on July 15th, the global root DNS name servers will start serving their zones in a secure manner (providing DNSSEC signed material). This will result in larger DNS packet sizes, due to the...
Article Id: 15941
Category: ITS Notifications & Upgrades

General Information ITS and the Frey Data Center are offering affordable options to allow departments to utilize available server technology. This includes Virtual Servers, Storage, and Data Center Rack Space . Services Provided & Pricing...
Article Id: 17133
Category: ITS Notifications & Upgrades

General Information Welcome to LSU Network Registration! In order for a Computer to be used on the Louisiana State University Network, it must first be registered with the device registration portal (DRP). This registration must be renewed every year for most new equipment. If you've...
Article Id: 6952
Category: ITS Notifications & Upgrades

General Information Welcome to LSU Network Registration! In order for a Computer to be used on the Louisiana State University Network, it must first be registered with the device registration portal (DRP). This registration must be renewed every year for most new equipment. If you've...
Article Id: 20092
Category: ITS Notifications & Upgrades

Current Configuration LSU provides three (3) NTP Servers that you may use On-Campus or Off-Campus. NTP stands for Network Time Protocol which is a protocol used to synchronize clocks of computers when used. Depending on your configuration, you may be able to define more than one server. In that case, it is recommended that you list...
Article Id: 14820
Category: ITS Notifications & Upgrades

Budgeting, Procurement, Design and Installation The ITS technical team can assist with the budgeting, procurement, design and installation of general purpose multimedia classrooms (or similar projects) on the LSU campus . This includes consultation, planning, budgeting, designing, and / or equipment...
Article Id: 10579
Category: ITS Notifications & Upgrades

All Registrar-scheduled multimedia classrooms are now equipped with lapel microphones (traditionally, only large classrooms were equipped with lapel or podium microphones for instructors). Please note that this is a temporary solution until a more permanent solution is available campus wide. IMPORTANT: In most classrooms the microphones will be...
Article Id: 20535
Category: ITS Notifications & Upgrades

Some classrooms have been upgraded to include Audio/Visual (A/V) equipment to assist with onsite and remote instruction. A classroom with these upgrades is known as a “Tier 2 classroom.” A list of the classrooms can be found at the following...
Article Id: 20555
Category: ITS Notifications & Upgrades

A project to upgrade Audio Visual (AV) technology in 30 classrooms in Tureaud Hall and 33 departmental classrooms throughout campus is complete as of August, 2023. The following AV technology will be included in each room.
Article Id: 20539
Category: ITS Notifications & Upgrades