Multimedia Classrooms: Audio/Visual Services and Support

This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.

Office Hours and Location:

Multimedia Classrooms (MMC)
121 Himes Hall

Fall and Spring Semesters:

Monday - Thursday 7:30 AM - 7:30 PM and Friday 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Summer semester and between semesters:

Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

General Information:

Multimedia Classroom Support (MMC) supports the University’s needs for presentation media equipment by maintaining, scheduling, and circulating equipment to all segments of the campus. Traditional AV equipment, as well as portable multimedia equipment, is available for delivery to classrooms and offices on campus. MMC provides instructional assistance in the proper use of AV and multimedia equipment upon request. All classrooms are equipped with an overhead projector, an AV cart, and a wall/ceiling mounted projection screen.

  • Use of equipment is free of charge for all credit courses offered on campus. Use of equipment not associated with scheduled courses is subject to a rental charge*.
    (Only available if it does not conflict with the needs of the University).
  • To request equipment call 225.578.7622 - at least one day in advance. Late requests will be honored if inventory and our delivery schedule permit.
  • The borrower must be affiliated with LSU. They are responsible for the care of the equipment while in their possession. The equipment and components must be returned as packaged. An extension on the use of the equipment may be granted based on availability.
  • Any damaged or stolen equipment should be immediately reported to our office.


8/2/2023 9:44:44 AM