Extended Guest Account: Request an Account
Requesting a Sponsored Guest Account
All LSU Sponsored Guest Accounts must have a sponsor. A sponsor is someone that is directly employed with LSU that serves as the primary contact for the guest. The sponsor will receive and distribute the account information to the guest. To request a sponsored guest account, the sponsor should follow the steps below.
1. The Sponsor must submit the following required information to the ITS Service Desk (servicedesk@lsu.edu).
a. Sponsor’s MyLSU Account ID.
b. Guest Personal Information: Last name, First name, Birth Date, and Forwarding E-mail Address.
c. Guest account expiration date (mm/dd/yyyy).
d. Description of the official University business that the Guest will be conducting.
2. Once the request is processed by ITS, the sponsor will receive an email containing a Files-To-Geaux link. The link will contain the guest account information MyLSU Account ID and LSU ID as well as instructions to assist the guest in setting up their account password.
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