LSU Faculty & Staff: Personnel Forms

This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.

General Information

The Office of Finance and Administrative Services is responsible for the implementation of PS-113 (Social Security Policy) with respect to personnel and payroll records.  Here are some of the current Frequently Asked Questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

When appointing student assistants do the departments need to keep copies of the I-9 forms, tax forms, or Social Security Cards?

Response: There is no need for a department to make copies of the I-9 or tax forms that students complete - the original documents must be sent to Payroll where the documents will be processed, imaged and the originals destroyed. We highly recommend that students complete tax forms (W-4 and L-4) on-line via the MyLSU Account ID. We anticipate an on-line I-9 application in the very near future.

What are departments required to do with respect to travel/payroll/consultant paperwork that require SSN’s? Must the documents be submitted with SSN’s?

Response: The only document that may contain a social security number for a consultant is the W-9. This is a tax form that must contain the social security number, but it can be processed on-line through the Purchasing Vendor System.  All payroll and travel forms should have the employee's LSU ID number, not the social security number. All Accounting Services financial systems have been updated to use the employee ID in lieu of the social security number.

9/8/2023 4:18:43 PM